Diet for a week best way to get impressive results for women in the short term. Based on weekly diet is usually one particular product. Due to the small time the mono-diet easy to survive psychologically and to lose on this diet can be from 7 kg.
Effectiveness juice diets for women for a week

A short-term diet success depends on how well composed daily diet and observed it thoroughly.
It is not necessary to lay high hopes on physical activity or change your usual daily routine, because such a short period is not enough to see the result of such innovations. But proper nutrition will have a significant effect due to the following factors:
- Eating regularly one product on a diet, the person starts to perceive it as a cure for excess weight. This simplifies the weight loss from a psychological point of view and gives a positive attitude. The probability of failure in such circumstances is reduced.
- The number of intake of calories is drastically reduced, which can be observed a quick jump in weight down.
- To lose weight greater influence chemical processes in the body. Diet causes dramatic changes and speeds up metabolism. Thanks to this dropped pounds do not return for a long time, even despite the fact that they go fast.
Consult with a specialist regarding necessary for firms up diet. The doctor will assess your condition and make a balanced nutrition plan.
Then the diet will certainly benefit and will not cause harm. It is especially important to visit a nutritionist whose weight is more than 30kg.
The selection of juices for diet
The basic principle of juice diet to the 7 – day exclusion from the diet any food except the juice. For this reason, it is necessary to abandon packaged juices that contain added sugar, preservatives, flavorings and other chemical additives, and are often high in calories.
Fresh juice will not only help to lose weight quickly, but also cleans the organism from slags, toxins and improve the metabolism.
Nutritionists recommend eating about 300g in one meal juice daily. During the day is 3-4 such snack. Between taking juice don't forget to drink plenty of water. The minimum liquid volume should be 1.5 L.
The water should be aerated and cleaned, to prevent contamination of the body. Drinking diet always suggest frequent visits to the toilet. This is a normal process. In this way are removed from the body all toxic substances.
In the menu you can include both fruit and vegetable juices. Most effective for quick weight loss for seven days the juice from the grapefruit, orange, grapes, celery and cucumber. Not prohibited the use of vegetable broth made from cabbage, peppers, tomatoes.
Juice of fruits and vegetables has nutritional value, as well as any other products, so afraid of drinking diet is not necessary. In addition fresh drinks – a storehouse of natural vitamins and minerals.
Apple juice will saturate the body with calcium, potassium, and vitamins A, B, and C. Apricots are rich in phosphorus and vitamin K. beets contains iron and calcium.
The preparation of fresh juices
For making fresh juice at home you will need household juicer. Instruments for juice affecting the product by hot steam is not suitable because the high temperatures destroy all the nutrients, so necessary for the weakened diet body.
The pulp falling into the drink for the digestive system, so it's best to drink all the contents of the glass. But if you don't want to drink juice with pulp, you can give it to stand for several minutes, then it will settle to the bottom of the glass.
Fresh juice to drink for half an hour, to avoid decomposition of the vitamin and minerals in the presence of oxygen and sunlight.
If you intend to preserve biologically active substances for a long time, be sure to put fresh in the refrigerator immediately after cooking. So it does not lose its properties within 8 hours.
Food on a diet doesn't have to be bland and monotonous. To expand the range of drinks, mixing different types of juices among themselves. So weekly diet will not only useful but also delicious.
A balanced diet
Making a week's worth of rations need to take into account the season, because it determines the availability of fresh fruits and vegetables for making juices. In the winter you need to focus on the beets, oranges, Kale, apples and carrots. Available in spring radish, fresh herbs and cucumbers.

In summer you can enjoy a variety of berries: raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, currants, cherries, cherries and other. In the fall be sure to eat the juice out of pumpkins. Exotic imported fruits and vegetables presented on the shelves all year.
Will help you decide when drawing up an individual diet sample diet that you can use as the basis for modifying, in its discretion:
- Monday. Breakfast – Apple and orange juice. Lunch – herbal tea. Dinner – juice of 2 lemons, diluted with water.
- Tuesday. Breakfast – orange juice. Lunch – carrot, nettle and lemon juice. Dinner – Apple, carrot and lemon juice.
- Environment. Breakfast – tangerine and the juice from the radish. Lunch – lemon juice. Dinner – pear, and grape juice.
- Thursday. Breakfast – raspberry and red currant. Lunch – apricot and grapefruit juice. Dinner – peach, Apple and lemon juice.
- Friday. Breakfast – Apple and orange juice. Lunch – carrot, Apple and lemon juice. Dinner – plum juice.
- Saturday. Breakfast – Apple and grapefruit juice. Lunch – carrot, orange and the juice from the radish. Dinner – Apple and cucumber juice with dill.
- Sunday. Breakfast – pear and carrot juice. Lunch – beetroot and juice from the radish. Dinner – grape juice.
The body needs to prepare for a juice fast beforehand. A few days before you can't use products containing alcohol and coffee, and fatty and heavy food.
After the diet return to normal diet must also be gradual. First, the need to eat porridge and vegetable soups gradually adding lean meats.
Disadvantages of juice diets for a week
The juice diet in some cases may lead to deterioration in the health slimming person. Juices are high in sugar, which creates a feeling of cheerfulness and energy, but it quickly gives way to fatigue, weakness, lack of energy and hunger.
Acidic juices lead to exacerbations of gastritis, colitis and stomach ulcers. People suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diet juices are strictly contraindicated.
Excess fiber causes problems with chair and high cholesterol. Insulin levels suffers a drastic change, because of what this diet is extremely harmful for diabetics. Fruit and vegetable acids affect tooth enamel, destroying it. This can cause tooth decay and other oral diseases.
To avoid the negative effects of juice diet do not ignore the advice of a specialist. The nutritionist will select the optimal diet. The table is ready juices for different times of the year that he produced, will not allow to be mistaken in the terms and amounts of food intake.Important deadlines diet.